November 14, 2010

IVD (In Vitro Diagnostics) Technology Magazine, a UBM/Canon publication, commissioned me for a distinctive anniversary logo for their 15th year of publication. I wanted to capture the technology in a contemporary, warm and celebratory way without alluding directly to specific science.

Wise Crunch Crew

Source Communications commissioned me to do a logo for their client Wise for a cross promotion of Wise products and the New York Jets football team. Because of the requirements of the various reproduction sizes (including a 60-foot display), the logo had to be created in vector (top image). The bottom image represents a test version of the logo in true 3D

Baylor University

This image was created for Baylor University. Their publication featured a story about Extended Learning Groups (ELGs) where students of diverse backgrounds and studies live and study together in groups. Studies have found that these students learn and assimilate more while enjoying a fuller college experience.

National Engineer's Week

I've done several posters for Engineer's Week with Hugh Moore of Hugh Moore & Associates. This is the first one I did for Girl's Day, a special event during Engineer's Week where the variety of engineering careers are presented to girls who are considering college studies. The texture of the images makes up the girl in the poster while presenting a visual reference to every kind of engineering. This sort of image works great large. That's the downside of a computer monitor.

From the Gallery, 1

This is an piece I did for the Wharton School of Business when the tech boom was at its pre-collapse height in 2000. Interesting how things have changed - or have they?

self portrait