A material difference: I'm having fun swapping out materials and textures to create different looks with my 3D design work. I do lots of work with numbers, so this experimental image takes my regular work to a whole new "dimension"
Always trying something new. I have been working on the design and rendering of logos in 3D space to round out my studio's offering in the typographic arena. There are times when the design has to take on a lifelike appearance. Suitable for print and animation. Here are a couple of examples showing the design and rendering using different finishes. Of course that's one of the great things about 3D - the ability to edit, change texture, and rotate the view.
One of a series of images created for Hasbro's Trivial Pursuit Pop Culture DVD game. This is a more developed version of the original art which was produced in red monochrome to match the color of one of the six gameboard pie colors.
Lynn Chin of Vector 7 in Toronto, Canada asked me to create an overarching image for collateral for their client DBRS, an international ratings firm. It's horizontal format lends itself to a mural-like display. The image was created in very high resolution to be suitable for all possible size applications. Click on the image to see it larger.
When computers began going mainstream, I was busy illustrating the concepts, technology, and business of the emerging markets. Here's an image that was done for a magazine feature about Oracle.
Mike Vella, art director of On Wall Street magazine asked me to create an unusual hybrid of the dollar sign and question mark symbols for their annual salary compensation issue. Intersecting the two symbols on separate 3d planes added to the idea that there is more to the story than what's on the surface, i.e., the salaries in different segments in the financial industry, and the supporting theme of how they are effected by the current economy.
This image was commissioned by art director Shay Sprinkles of Pace Communications for their client Syngenta for a feature article about profitable practices in agriculture in our current economy. The completed image is shown with the initial rough sketch.
I created this concept/informational image for Nick Manganiello, Creative Director for Medicus Life Brands. Their client, Auxilium, needed to show how their medication Xiaflex works. It's made to treat a rare disease called Dupuytrens which restricts finger flexibility by contracting the tendons and muscle fibers, mainly in the last two fingers
Art Director Patrick Greenish of Conceive Magazine commissioned me for a cover of one of their flagship issues. The challenge was to make a bold iconic cover with the right sensibility and appeal to an audience in infant and conception mode. Some of the simplest things are the most challenging - the "50" had to be just right
Pat Powell of Lawler Ballard Van Durandneeded new label designs for two of Smithfield Meats' products. They wanted a classic design look with a contemporary feeling, a look that brings lasting value to their packaging.
I worked with Carolyn Lock and Hope Morley of Pearson to develop a logo identity, design format and illustrations for a series of four covers for math textbooks for middle and high school called the CME Project. The series won two awards at the 2009 New York Book Expo: first place in the Middle/High School Series Books category and second place in the Middle/High School Series Cover category.
I worked with Creative Director Marty Lapham of Fin Brand Positioning to create a retail package for PaneBelle Pizza and Bread Dough Company. He wanted a natural, established look to reflect the quality of their product which is available in organic White, Whole Wheat, and Multigrain. Fin Brand Positioning is an innovative and creative company which works with a range of clients within the retail, business, educational, cultural, medical industries. See their work at http://www.fingenuity.com
An avid tournament table tennis player, I was right at home creating this illustrated logo to promote a league tournament for New York Table Tennis Foundation director Robert Chen. Robert is a professional coach trained by coaches from the Chinese National Team, the best in the world. NYTTF is a large club in Manhattan's Chinatown featuring play levels from beginner to world class. So, if you are in New York and are looking to play table tennis, check out http://www.nyttf.com
Creating images for healthcare clients is an integral part of my work. I am regularly commissioned by pharmaceutical and biotech companies, healthcare organizations, and publishers. This piece was done for Time Magazine as one of a series of images on women's health issues
Tony Rich, CEO of WellCorps International, commissioned me to design the logos and illustrate the packaging for their duo of daily nutrient products, WellCapAM and PM. WellCorps invests years or research and into the development of their products which are made of the finest natural nutrients and foods placed in capsule form. The company's goal is to educate and support well being as well as have a positive environmental impact
Hugh Moore of Huge Moore & Associates commissioned me for a poster image for National Engineers Week Foundation Girl's Day. The event's purpose is to attract high school girls to consider a career in one of many engineering fields. The poster shows the world of engineering of everyday things found in a girl's purse.
Jon Bloostein, owner of Heartland Brewery in New York City commissioned me to update and develop new labels for his in house brews. Tom's challenge was to work with existing imagery used in successful ad campaigns and give it a fresh, new look reminiscent of the beer label genre.